My workshops will stimulate innovation and creativity amongst your team members and put concepts into action. Plug me in to help however best fits your situation:
As a stand-alone engagement:
Bring me in for a ½-, 1-, or 2-day workshop facilitation to address a challenge you are wrestling with.
Working with you, I design the workshop in three acts and help your team uncover innovative solutions. We’ll look at the situation inside out – and then outside in – gain a fresh perspective from each participant and then lead the team in an actionable direction toward solving your strategic challenges.
As an expansion on a keynote:
After being inspired, attendees apply the lessons shared and learn a creative thinking technique that ignites their creativity. The techniques I teach – both creative and critical thinking techniques - are easy to learn, implement and use long after the workshop is over.
There are always “aha” moments in these workshops.
This structure works well in event situations where the keynote is followed by the workshop later in the day.